Camperdown and Redfern boot camps outdoor group fitness training classes’ style is a unique holistic approach to fitness training, combining only the best parts of all cardio and resistance techniques focus on functional training.
Camperdown Boot Camp in Tennis Mallett St. Camperdown is conveniently located to serve the residents of Camperdown, Newtown, Stanmore & other nearby inner west suburbs. Camperdown's equipment includes olympic barbells, numerous sets of dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags and dead-balls ranging from light to heavy. There's something for everyone. We have multiple sets of weights in each size, so even in the larger classes.
Additionally, Outdoor Squad Camperdown members have access to a large undercover area to train under during times of inclement weather, plus shower & toilet facilities.
Redfern Boot Camp in Redfern Park is conveniently located to serve residents of Redfern, Waterloo, Surry Hills.
We provide a large timetable with different modalities with plenty of free-weight equipment to suit all fitness levels and training. The site boasts ample parking on Chalmers St, a Woolworths directly across the road also has underground parking, the Park Café, a toilet, plus a giant undercover area to train under in times of inclement weather.
Camperdown - Redfern​

Membership Plans
No Lock-in Contracts / No Joining Fees
Drop-in to Any Class
Twice Weekly
Drop-in to Any 2 Class Weekly
Once Weekly
Drop-in to a Single Class/W
Meeting Points
The meeting point for Camperdown Group Fitness is Camperdown Tennis, Camperdown Park (in Mallett St)
We train all year around regardless of wet weather as we have giant undercover area booked for your use.
The meeting por for is Redfern Park. We have access to undercover area to train under in times of inclement weather.