While exerciseing correct posture and aligment are the key to correct technique. Poor posture not only takes away from esthetics, it compromises how we were designed to function.
Ideal Posture
That state of muscular and skeletal balance, which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, irrespective of the attitude in which these structures are working or resting. It is during a state of ideal posture that the muscles will function most efficiently
In ideal posture, a line extending down the side of the body should run through the ear lobe, transect the shoulder, hip and knee joints and fall just anterior to (in front of) the ankle bone (Figure 1). If a small plumb line is suspended from the apex of the cheekbone, it should bisect the clavicle (collar bone). When evaluating posture, a client should also be viewed from the front and back. A simple grid can be set up to help the Practitioner assess posture and identify faults, such as deviations from the midline, differences in height between right and left ear, shoulder or hip, increased or decreased lumbar curvatures. For a comprehensive postural evaluation, actual measurements should be taken with inclinometers and goniometers. Then changes in posture due to treatment or exercise can be empirically measured over time.
While exerciseing correct posture and aligment are the key to correct technique. Poor posture not only takes away from esthetics, it compromises how we were designed to function, eventually leading to pain and/or injury. The next time you are in a public place, take a few minutes to study the posture of the people around you. Unfortunately, you will most likely find that the majority exhibits poor posture. This is the result of a number of different factors, such as working in environments that are ergonomically incorrect, performing repetitive tasks with poor form or developmental dysfunctions during childhood.
Thankfully most postural problems can be corrected with regular practice of the right exercises and by training a correct engagement of the postural muscles in your midline / core (Your power house)

Since sitting leads to 40 - 90% more stress on the back (disc pressure) than standing posture and the majority of us spend more than 8hrs a day on this position, attention to your postural habits while sitting MUST be taken.
Get started right now! yes now!
Check on your posture
Correct if needed and keep it right
Repeat 1 & 2 every 20min to create a good postural habit.